Weathering the Storm

During our lives, we always have times that aren’t so great.


Like in one year’s time, my father passed away, and both of my great aunts and my grandmother all passed away. Obviously, the year was not easy!


One of the things that got me through that year was my habits and my ability to be resilient.


Resiliency isn’t just a mindset; it’s about taking care of our bodies in ways that are more than just resting and “being tough”.


Here’s what happens when we don’t take care of ourselves during tough times or even during the mundane times:


Typically, we become tired, we’re undernourished (not underfed – there is a difference), we become more emotional and even irrational, and we cannot handle small problems. It’s a cascade of effects that leaves us feeling burned out and overwhelmed.


So, when there are particularly difficult times, it makes that difficult time even more difficult to handle.


Resiliency begins with taking care of yourself during the normal day-to-day life:

  • Get Your Sleep
  • Nourish Your Body Appropriately
  • Manage Stress
  • Drink Water
  • Exercise
  • Move Your Body like with Walking and Stretching
  • Interact with Friends and Family
  • Do the things you enjoy!


As a meal planning and nutrition expert, I can help you with Nourishing Your Body Appropriately and that Starts with MEAL PLANNING and it’s Added Bonuses:


  1. You’ll be eating according to your body’s specific needs.
  2. You’ll save loads of time and effort with shopping, prepping and cooking with a Plan!
  3. You’ll save lots of money because meal planning means you’re not wasting food or buying lots of meal kits that get delivered spoiled.
  4. You’ll become more efficient in the kitchen!
  5. You’ll reduce the, “what’s for dinner stress”


Let’s focus now on the 1st advantage: Eating according to your body’s specific needs:

What does your body need and what do you want to see happen?

  • Is your blood sugar all over the place?
  • Do you need to lose some weight?
  • Are you in perimenopause and you’re constantly tired and irritable?
  • Did you get a report back that says you have to lower your cholesterol and if you don’t, then hello medications?
  • Maybe you just want to change your dietary habits?
  • Or there’s so much stress in your life that you just can’t find time to eat
  • Are you struggling with embarrassing digestive issues?

With meal planning, we can address exactly what is going on with you. Meal planning is not a one size fits all design…it’s all about YOU and YOUR Needs! That’s why when I work with you, we will look at everything from your dietary needs to your lifestyle needs to create a meal plan that is 100% personalized!

Lemon Juice Magic

Today is National Lemon Juice Day! Lemon is one of my favorites! I use it in dressings, in my water, on fish and seafood and when mixed with butter and herbs it creates an amazing sauce to liven up your favorite weeknight dinners!

Lemons are known to be jam-packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help your body work at optimal level! Here are some amazing benefits and reasons to add a little squeeze of lemon to your water or drizzle over your salmon tonight for dinner!

Aids in heart health and helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure

Improves digestive health by helping out digestive enzymes and with the pulp added you get a boost of fiber!

Can help prevent kidney stones.

Helps your immune system, which we know we all need a high-performing immune system right now!

Hydration is key and lemon juice helps balance your electrolytes!

A great way to start your day to help increase hydration; pour yourself a glass of water, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (about 1 ½ teaspoons), and a pinch of sea salt (I prefer Celtic sea salt) (about 1/8 of a teaspoon).

I personally think this helps me feel energized all morning long as well!

Click the bottom link below if you desire to grow your own lemons for even optimal health!