Makes 4 servings
Long and stressful week? Looking for something that is light and nourishing for Friday night dinner that doesn’t take up too much of your time.
Makes 4 servings
Long and stressful week? Looking for something that is light and nourishing for Friday night dinner that doesn’t take up too much of your time.
Makes 4 servings
This comforting side is inexpensive and a great way to use up those seasonal root vegetables. As we approach Spring, these vegetables are still at the very end of their peak freshness. Roasting at a high temperature gives them a crispy outer layer and a creamy inside! The nutmeg and cheddar give it that comforting home-cooked feel!
Makes 4 servings
This super simple saute tastes indulgently delicious. We’re nearing the end of the winter season, so let’s capitalize on all the nutrients for the remainder of the season!
Makes 4 servings
Fresh and crunchy with softness from the goat cheese, this classic-style salad feels comforting while also being light and nourishing.
Makes 4- 6 servings
It’s Super Bowl Sunday, y’all!!! I asked my friends what their favorite Super Bowl Sunday snack was and Rotel was the shocking winner followed behind wings and buffalo dip.
Makes 4 servings
The chilly weather is calling for some more comforting dishes.
Makes 6 servings
This super fun pasta dish is a great weekend indulgence that has a little bit of vegetables hidden inside – perfect to hide from picky eaters in your household!
Makes 4 servings
2020 was a doozy! My family never participated in the superstitious tradition of eating Black Eye Peas for Good Luck on New Year’s.
Makes 4 servings
Happy New Year! Let’s say goodbye to 2020 and look to 2021 with hope in our hearts.
Makes 4 servings
Too many Christmas cookies this year because you don’t have the family to eat them all? Need a little balance post-Christmas?